Logo kerngesunde Zähne, Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Kern Marburg

kerngesunde Zähne

Dental practice Dr. Kern

The health of your teeth is our focus, it is our top priority to individually use our knowledge and skills for your well-being. From the milk tooth to the third teeth, we offer you a wide range of dental services in the heart of Marburg - from regular preventive examinations, to aesthetic dentistry, to complex restorations with implants. We use the latest technologies- intraoral scanners and dental volume tomography are a standard with us!
Dentist Dr. Martin Kern, Dentist Lorena Amaya, and our team are looking forward to offering you the best care possible. Feel free to book your appointment online now.

hours of operation

Mon. 8:00-12:30 and 14:00-18:00 'o clock

Tue. 8:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:30 'o clock

Wed. 8:00-12:30 and 14:00-18:00 'o clock

Thu. 8:00-12:30 and 14:00-17:30 'o clock

Fri . 8:00-13:00 Uhr 'o clock


Phone: 06421/25569

all health insurances & privat



Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Kern

Gisselbergerstr. 2

35037 Marburg

our specilizations




your dental practice Dr. Kern in marburg

Dear patients and visitors,

Please take the opportunity to learn more about our practice, our team, and above all, our treatments.

We attach particular importance to the trusting care of our patients. Our overall concept includes individual advice, comprehensive information, and treatments tailored to your needs. With professional competence and friendliness, our entire team ensures that you are in good hands with us and that you will feel comfortable.

It is our aim to offer you the best possible service.

Your dental practice,
Dr. Kern in Marburg


Dental practice Marburg

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Our practice is located in the high-rise building on Gisselbergerstr. 2, directly across from the Aral gas station.

by car

Free parking lots are located behind the house on the parking deck, access via Frankfurter-, Werder-, August-Rhode Straße.

by bus

You can also easily reach us by bus. The following lines stop at Frankfurter Str. / Theater: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 & 12.

our awards